You can translate Service Finder WordPress theme in any language with POEdit. All the strings are properly wrapped in wp translation function. So Service Finder Theme is multi language ready. To use the poedit follow these steps:

  •  Download and install POEdit.
  •  With POedit open the file servicefinder.po located in languages folder.
  • Translate the file using poedit and save the file with the proper name (for example de_DE.po). If the file name is not right the translation will not work. See this link for the proper name.
  •  Check if the language file has the correct name
  •  Upload the .po and . mo files in wp-content/themes/servicefinder/languages/ folder. You should have now servicefinder.po, + your new language po and mo
  •  Make sure you have installed WordPress in your language –
  •  Go in Admin – General Settings and you should see a dropdown with Languages. This is where you will find the languages available based on your file language name (step 4). Select your language and that should be all.

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